The well dug by the community
In the Kulkul community, Billiri LGA of Gombe state, over 3000 residents live without clean water. When Tracka visited the community in January 2022 for sensitization, they lamented the situation of things.
We spoke to Danladi Magaji, the village head, who said the community has been without clean water for over 80 years and has to do with a shallow well that the residents dug.
“We have been without water for over 80 years, even before I was born. Three years ago, community members dug up a well that gives us little water during the rainy season. Even that water is very dirty, but at least it is better than nothing.” he said.

According to water.org, women are disproportionately affected by the water crisis, as they are often responsible for collecting water. This responsibility takes time away from work, school, and family care. The lack of water and sanitation locks women in a cycle of poverty.
Aminat, a mother of two, spoke to Tracka on how the lack of water stalls education for children in the community during dry seasons.
“I am sure you have seen the dirty water. That is what we drink and even use to cook. Some of our girls don’t go to school because the well usually dries up during the dry season, and they have to go to other communities like Ayaba or Tal every day, which is as far as 4km. By the time they come back, they are too tired, and school hours are almost over.”

Yusuf, a youth in the community, lamented the deaths of people from water-borne illnesses.
“I personally know two people in the community have died because of different diseases caused by the dirty water. The health centre we have does not have staff or water too. How can people survive when they fall ill?” he complained.

The people of KulKul urgently need government intervention as this situation has escalated beyond expected. The children can’t go to school, residents don’t have healthcare when they fall ill, and community members die. Clean water and healthcare are fundamental human rights that every human deserve.
We call for the swift intervention of the Gombe state government, H. E Muhammad Inuwa Yahaya, the state governor, Senator Bulus K. Amos, Honourable Victor Mela Danzaria representing Balanga/Biliri Federal Constituency, and other relevant stakeholders. They should provide the Kulkul community with clean portable water and equipment and staffing for the community health centre.
Story by Ayomide Ladipo and Esther Lamon.